Soda Ash - GONE!
A quick and easy way to remove soda ash on fully cured cold process soap.
91% Isopropyl Alcohol, a toothbrush, a bit of scrubbing - no more soda ash. Fully cured bars should be hard enough not to be misshapen by the use of the toothbrush.
My Champagne and Roses Cold process
with a good amount of soda ash on the top.
All you need is a small spritzer bottle filled with
91% Isopropyl Alcohol and a toothbrush
91% Isopropyl Alcohol and a toothbrush
Spritz the top with the Isopropyl Alcohol (about 5 or 6 spritz)
Use the toothbrush to lightly scrub the surface to remove the ash. The toothbrush allows you to get into all the little nooks in a textured surface. Rinse and dry the toothbrush after every few bars.
Wipe dry with a paper towel and no more soda ash!
~ Faith
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